Katie LaBarbera’s abbreviated CV


Email: kl343[at]cornell.edu

Behavioral Ecology • Evolutionary Biology • Conservation • Life History • Animal Communication • Mating Systems

  • 2020-present: Senior Biologist, San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory
  • 2018-2020: Grand Challenges in Biology Postdoc, UMN – Twin Cities
  • 2016: PhD Integrative Biology, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley
  • 2010: BA Biological Sciences, Systematics & Biotic Diversity, Cornell University


LaBarbera K, Scullen JC. 2021. Using individual capture data to reveal large-scale patterns of social association in birds. Journal of Ornithology doi.org/10.1007/s10336-021-01863-3 PDF: LaBarbera&Scullen2021

Lacey EA, Takenaka R, LaBarbera K, Tammone MN. 2019. Ecological and demographic impacts of a recent volcanic eruption on two endemic patagonian rodents. PLoS ONE 14(3): e0213311. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0213311

LaBarbera K, Lacey EA. 2018. Breeding season length and nest mortality drive cryptic life history variation in Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis) breeding across a montane elevation gradient. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 135(2):284-298. PDF: LaBarbera&Lacey2018

LaBarbera K, Hayes KR, Marsh KJ, Lacey EA. 2017. Complex relationships among environmental conditions and bill morphology in a generalist songbird. Evolutionary Ecology 31:707-724. PDF: LaBarbera_etal2017_bills

LaBarbera K, Cramer ERA, Veronese D, Lovette IJ. 2017. Paternity moderates growth benefit to house wren nestlings of having an asynchronously late-hatching nestmate. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71:53. doi:10.1007/s00265-017-2283-7. PDF: LaBarbera_etal2017_BES

LaBarbera K, Spencer R. 2016. House Wren (Troglodytes aedon) provisions nestlings of Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128(3):676-678. PDF: LaBarbera&Spencer2016

Holmes M, Hammond T, Wogan G, Walsh R, LaBarbera K, Wommack B, Martins F, Crawford JC, Mack K, Bloch L, Nachman M. 2016. Natural history collections as windows on evolutionary processes. Molecular Ecology 25:864-881. PDF: Holmes_et_al-2016-Molecular_Ecology

Cramer ERA, Laskemoen T, Kleven O, LaBarbera K, Lovette IJ, Lifjeld JT. 2013. No evidence that sperm morphology predicts paternity success in wild house wrens. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67:1845-1853. PDF: Cramer_etal_2013_LaBarbera

Llambías PE, LaBarbera K, Astié AA. 2012. Similar patterns of parental provisioning in a monogamous and a polygynous population of the House Wren. The Condor 114(3):629-638. PDF: Llambias_2012

LaBarbera K, Lovette IJ, Llambías PE. 2012. Mating opportunities, paternity, and sexual conflict: paternal care in northern and southern temperate house wrens. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66(2):253-260. PDF: LaBarbera_etal_2012

LaBarbera K, Llambías PE, Cramer ERA, Schaming TD, Lovette IJ. 2010. Synchrony does not explain extrapair paternity rate variation in northern or southern house wrens. Behavioral Ecology 21(4):773-780. PDF: LaBarbera_etal_2010